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PIX4Dmapper Essentials workshop

Learn with our online courses and get certified!

About this workshop

This course will introduce you to the essential workflows of PIX4Dmapper. You'll learn best practices for capturing RGB images and creating, managing, analyzing, and sharing 2D and 3D representations of reality. A series of practical exercises will demonstrate how to work effectively with PIX4Dmapper and PIX4Dcloud Advanced.

You can transfer to another date if the minimum number of participants is not reached.


Tuesday May 7, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (MDT / UTC-6)
Wednesday May 8, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (MDT / UTC-6)
Thursday May 9, 2024, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (MDT / UTC-6)

Participation in all three days is mandatory.

Location Online

Price 1199 CAD

Operating system: Windows

Software products: PIX4Dmapper and PIX4Dcloud

Course objectives

  • Produce accurate georeferenced representations of reality in 2D and 3D, including orthomosaics and 3D models.

  • Obtain accurate measurements

  • Share your results with stakeholders.

Workshop agenda


  • Introduction to photogrammetry

  • Introduction to capturing RGB images using an aerial rig

  • Introduction to Ground Control Point Collection

  • Introduction to an essential workflow for processing PIX4Dmapper images

  • Introduction to checkpoints

  • Introduction to the PIX4Dmapper quality control chart

Practical exercises

  • Download and install PIX4Dmapper

  • Launch and activate PIX4Dmapper

  • Open a project with PIX4Dmapper

  • Create a project with PIX4Dmapper

  • Georeference with the GCP/MTP base editor

  • Calibrate a camera

  • Georeference with rayCloud

  • Generate a dense point cloud

  • Remove noise in a dense point cloud with the Point Cloud Editing Tool

  • Generate an orthomosaic

  • Edit an orthomosaic

  • Measure with PIX4Dmapper

  • Create a project with PIX4Dcloud Advanced for online processing

  • Measure with PIX4Dcloud Advanced

  • Load a custom project into PIX4Dcloud Advanced

  • Share results with PIX4Dmapper

  • Share results with PIX4Dcloud Advanced

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